Thursday, October 23, 2008

Slow posts lately

I have been super busy lately - being sick!  Getting a cold is never fun for anyone, and I am a big baby when I am sick!  I think I am on the verge of kicking this thing, but I feel like I have been beaten up!  lol!
Things are still good here, weather is very fall-like, it has been raining the last couple of days.  I went to a nearby International School today and spoke with some of the teachers and the director - it was really nice to be in  a school environment that I am more accustomed to - it is a really nice school.
Otherwise, life is just pretty normal.  I am very excited about going to Cirque du Soleil in 2 weeks, and then to a Billy Joel concert the weekend after that.  Some of my friends and I are going to a Thanksgiving dinner, which will be nice.  I hate being away from home for Thanksgiving - it is one of my favorite holidays to be home for! :(
Time for me to get to bed - I have a meeting at 9 in the morning - funny that used to sound late...

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