Ahhh. That pretty much sums up the last couple of weeks. The weather has truly turned spring-like, and with it has come the cherry blossoms, magnolia trees, and lighter spirits. This weekend I really just enjoyed the warm weather. It is so nice to be able to spend time outside again, and the transformation here is amazing. All winter long coffee shops were packed and the malls were bustling with people attempting to avoid the cold, but today they were quiet. Everyone was outside. The parks here are great for people watching - mostly because they are packed. There are so many little kids, young couples, families, grandparents. People bring a mat and sit on the grass, they play games, they stroll. It is nice. Yesterday a group of friends and I went and did all of those things. We even brought some wine and beer, and ordered chicken - which - yes - was delivered TO the park. Today I kind of just wandered about, went shopping a bit, hung out with friends again, ate some Indian food. Perfect weekend. I didn't get anything done, my apartment is messy...but it is ok. Life is good. Next weekend my friends from Montana will be here - Erica and Brian, and I am sooooo excited to see them!
Time is flying by, and before I know it, I will be at the airport writing my last blog from Korea. I am excited to come home, but I wish I had time to actually see more of Korea. I am trying to fit in as many places in as I can these last couple of months, but traveling on the weekend and returning to work on Monday just isn't that much fun - I prefer the traveling without a job to return to, and no real plan on where I am going. That requires money though, which, for me, means I have to have a job...endless cycle.
Cherry blossoms up close - so pretty - and so fleeting - they fall off after just a few days - like snow - it is really pretty.
Just one of MANY pretty pictures I have of the trees in bloom
Relaxing at the park - TJ, Matt, Christa, Sugi, Jin
palaces, cherry blossoms, ancient burial ground
Girls from work - Jin, Christa, Natalia, me, Sugi
I LOVE this red flower - so beautiful!
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