Thursday, May 14, 2009

Filling my time...Lost and Battlestar Galactica

I have fully enjoyed my time in South Korea, and I am looking  forward to having a great 6 weeks before I return home.  I have, however, found myself with way too much time by myself.  I am not one to always need to be around people, and I do a good job of filling my time when I am alone, but I have to say after a year living by myself in another country, I am slightly sick of myself at times... The problem is not that I am in another country exactly, but that I work from 1-9, and am on an opposite schedule from most of my friends.  When I first got here, it was amazing to have so much free time.  I read books, I wrote, I exercised, I scoured the internet.  It was great.   As time went on, though, I found myself becoming bored and restless.  Then I discovered Lost.  Laaaaaa...and I have discovered that I have a slightly addictive personality when it comes  to reading a good book (Twilight series come to mind...:) ) or watching a series that I really get into. 

 I have to back track a bit.  I don't watch TV.  Occasionally I will get sucked into Law & Order or House, and I do love Grey's Anatomy and Friends, but overall, I just can't stay interested long enough to actually watch a series regularly, let alone the entire season.  I typically feel that life is more interesting when you actually get out and live it, and so I watch TV sporadically.  In fact, I have not even turned my TV on in more than 6 months here in Korea.  

But...I have been glued to my computer.  It started with Lost.  I always thought it was stupid.  It didn't make sense - they were on an island, weren't getting saved, end of story.  Then throw in a bunch of monsters and ... time travel?!?  What?!?  Oh, how little I knew back then.  I decided I would try to watch the series because I had time and everyone else was talking about it.  The first season was really good - by the end I was hooked.  There was so much more to the story than I had ever known. Fast forward a little over 2 months... and I was caught up - all 5 seasons.  It is an amazing show.  I thought it was the best show I had ever watched.  I was wrong.

About the time that I caught up with the current Lost episodes, several of my friends posted about Battlestar Galactica on FB.  They all said that it was amazing...the best.  I have never been into Sci-Fi.  I like Star Wars, but everybody likes Star Wars.  I like space...I wonder if there is life out there.  But I am not into Sci-Fi.  Or so I thought.  I can unequivocally say that Battlestar Galactica is the best show I have ever watched.  I loved it.  It makes me tear up writing about it.  I watched all 4 seasons in 3 weeks.  I stayed up until 3..4..5 am watching it.  I finished watching the finale last night at 4 am.  I loved the characters, the plot, the questions about humanity and our fate as a planet.  I really loved this show.  I want it to keep going, but the ending was so final, so profound, it can't go on.  This show made me think about space, what is really out there.  It made me think about Earth in a different way - realize that out of this huge universe of which we know almost nothing, there exists this amazing planet that has all of the perfect conditions to support not only life, but life as complicated as humans.  I really loved the relationships, the symbolism, the way that the characters changed roles and themselves repeatedly.  There were some slight disappointments at the end, but overall, amazing.  

I am done with the TV shows for now, though.  I only have a few weeks left to enjoy Asia.   I have friends visiting over the next week, and I have plans to make for when I get home.  I will still think about BSG though.  I will miss it.  

1 comment:

HLee said...

you should go check out the star trek movie that just came out. i think it's out in korea too.