Monday, February 9, 2009

3 weeks left...

It is crazy that in 3 weeks I will be done teaching my little pre-prep students!  I am so sad!  They are the happiest part of my day, and I love seeing them learn and grow everyday.  I enjoy all of my other students as well, but there is just something about teaching 4 year olds!  They are amazing and say the funniest things.  Today, one of my students came up to me laughing, and said, "I am a farter!"  He loved it.  I asked him if he really said farter, and he laughed and said,"Yes!"  He was so proud of himself and his stinky little butt.  Another student calls me monkey - that is his name for me.  The girls will break out in random  "I love you, Kelly.  I love you, Sally. etc." me and each kid in class. So cute!  We went to the computer lab last Friday, and they were mesmerized - it was so funny!  Notice in the picture above that they LOVE to show a peace sign when they take photos - cracks me up!
I NEVER thought I would enjoy teaching students below middle school, and my favorite classes are all between pre-prep and 3rd grade.  Funny the things we learn about ourselves.

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