Friday, February 27, 2009

Back to the 1-9 and other changes...

I have finished my 4 months with my pre-prep class, and though I am sad that I will not be teaching them anymore, I am extremely happy to have some free time during the week. I have really felt like I have been in a time warp the last few months. I have hardly talked to anyone at home, and I have felt like I am holding my breath for the weekend from Monday morning. I just don't do well working as much as I have been. I will be posting more in the next few weeks, mostly because I will have some time to write and think. Also - I will actually be available during my mornings to talk again! I am so excited to actually get to talk to my friends and family on a more regular basis.

I also think I have come to a decision about next year. As much as I would love to see the world, and despite the fact that teaching in an actual international school for a few years in another country is very enticing to me, I have decided that the reasons to return to the states are just too strong. With the current economic situation, I am grateful that I have a good job at home, and I have decided that I need to hold onto that right now. So, I do believe I will be back in Colorado again next year. Of course, knowing me that could easily change, but I feel pretty certain at this point. Barring some miraculous offer from an amazing international school in a desirable country, I will be returning to Colorado. I am excited to be coming home, and I feel myself already starting to move in that direction mentally...Where will I live? Where do I start applying for my Master's? Which gym should I join? Which ski pass should I buy?...yeah, my mind is already there.

There are many places I would like to see still, and I have some friends (Erica and Brian), coming out in April; so I still have a lot to look forward to these last few months in Korea. I am excited to really make these last few months memorable. Funny how easy the transition from stressful "I have no idea what I am doing with my life!" to calm"Ok - let's move forward with this plan" can be.

I think that spring is slowly beginning to show its face here in Korea. The last few days have been really nice, and I am getting spring fever. I want to be outside! From what everyone has told me, spring is beautiful here. I can't wait for the cherry blossoms!

These are photos from the last couple of months - I have really made some amazing friends here! (left) Ski trip with Elena and Jason - Carla and Jessica were our roommates - it was fate! They are all awesome!(below) My friend Mariko and I ice skating.
After a long day of skiing we all relaxed in a hot tub of grape -infused water. Natalia - my amazing partner teacher with preprep - and I. Out with the girls - we started with mani's and pedi's, had dinner at an Indian buffet, then went out for drinks and dancing.

1 comment:

Quince Family said...

I'm glad you have come to some decisions about next year--I think sometimes the indecision is the hardest thing and once you make a plan, it's much easier on you to put it into action. On a personal note, I'm THRILLED that you will only be a 2 hr plane ride away and a one hour time zone difference! I miss my Willis!