Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Home again...sort of...

It is so strange to be back in the States.  I have been here for a week, and it has been a whirlwind.  In most ways, I feel like I was only gone for a long vacation - minus the fact that I did actually work.  :)  My flight back was perfect - I was even able to take the light rail to downtown Portland on my layover there.  I was in Boise, Id for my cousin,s wedding (and essentially a family reunion) from Wed. until Sunday, then drove to Missoula, Mt. with my sister and brother, and will be here until Thursday.  I am going to my parents in Columbus, Mt. for about a week, and then I will be meeting up with a good friend in Seattle for hiking and exploring.  Back to Missoula.  Back to Columbus.  Finally to Colorado in Augsut - assuming I don't find a job in Montana and decide to stay here. It is so beautiful here.  Every time I come to Montana I am reminded just how amazing it is.  Living near family would be nice too.  We will see what changes quickly!  Hope everyone is doing well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no more post?