Thursday, July 30, 2009

Life is good

I have had a whirlwind month since being back in the States. I have been in 6 states, gone camping twice, been in a wedding, driven probably 4000 miles, and am finally at MY home in Colorado. I have loved being in familiar places with familiar people whom I love. Being away for a year definitely gave me a fresh perspective. I miss my friends and students in Korea, but in a funny way it really feels like the whole year was just a dream - or was just a few weeks away. As much as things have changed here, they have really stayed the same in so many more ways. I am excited to start my life again at home, and can't wait for new adventures. I am not sure what to do with the blog - I love writing, but not sure what to write about anymore. lol. We'll see. I do have some reflections on Korea I would like to add, then maybe it will be retired. One more chapter in life closed. :-)

1 comment:

Suresh said...

hello there,

I followed your blog and here iam!
I just love your jest for travel and im sure you are having a great time this weekend!

Have a great day and take care:)
Suresh K