Saturday, July 5, 2008

From May 22

lessons in patience

So, patience is not really something I possess in high quantities! I am ready to make the decision on a job in Korea, and I am only waiting the on the contract. Seriously!! I hate waiting! I have searched and figured out what I want, and am excited about it, have been told repeatedly that I am going to be offered a contract...but no contract! Aaaggghhh! 
On another note, tomorrow is my last day at Trail Ridge Middle School. I am happy and sad. Very happy to begin this adventure, and sad to be leaving my classroom (it was really great!), my friends, and my students. I have had the best students, and I am truly sad to leave them behind. So leaving is bittersweet... 
I am heading to Mexico on Monday, and if all goes as planned I will have signed a contract for Korea, sent off my paperwork, and be able to spend 2 relaxing and hopefully sun-drenched weeks in Puerto Vallarta. I am so excited! So, I guess the next post will be with some details of exactly when I leave for Korea and where I will be working. That is, if things go as planned... :)

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