Thursday, July 31, 2008

nothing much to say

I am on vacation this week, and one might think that I would be out exploring Korea, but one would be wrong.  With this job I have 2 real breaks, one this week, and one at the end of December.  The part that stinks about that, is that I have barely gotten here, I hardly feel comfortable going grocery shopping, let alone ordering at a restaurant, or worse, getting on a bus.  Also, having just gotten here, I am on a really tight budget, which doesn't allow for hopping on trains to the far reaches of Korea, and staying in cute hotels while I  explore.  Just as well.  I have been resting, reading, working out. Getting adjusted to life here.  My sleep pattern is completely haywire right now, but hopefully that will go back to normal when I have a schedule again.  
I have spent a bit of time checking out the Seoul area this week, and have found some places I really like.  I went to some mountains north of the city, and walked around a bit.  Hiking here is quite different from Colorado or Montana, but it sufficed.  The only real annoyance was the millions of people everywhere.  Not like Breckenridge on a sunny summer day, like 100 times that.  And I couldn't communicate with a single one of them.  Oh, well.  it was pretty, and I know how to get there now.  I also went for a walk to the Central Park area of Bundang, the town I live in.  It is nice park, has a lake and a big mountain you can hike through with trails everywhere.  It is only about 10 minutes from my apartment, so  I am sure I will head there often.  Very peaceful place in the middle of all the craziness that is Seoul.  Which, by the way, is the largest city in the world (depending on where you get your information).  People had said things like that when  I was moving here, but I didn't really know.  It was just REALLY big.  I looked it up online the other day though, and sure enough, most populated city on Earth.  That is pretty amazing.  Very easy to believe though.  The high rise apartments never end.  It doesn't matter where you go, there are people and apartments.  Everyday, I get the sense of just how small each of us really is in the world.  
Well, I just wanted to update.  I haven't really had anything exciting to write about, and my camera is dead.  Note to self, next time I go to another country to live, get an adapter and converter before I leave.   I have had the hardest time finding one here, so all of my American electronic devices are sitting, dead and unused, in a drawer.  Sad.  
I am going to try to venture into the city to do a city tour this afternoon.  I want to go, but I don't.  I have discovered that when you are by yourself in a country that you don't quite fit into, it is much easier to just stay in than to go out.  I have food, books, Tv, a bed - I don't really have to go out.  But I know I do.  So, more next time...

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