Saturday, July 5, 2008

From July 03

Feeling a bit surreal...

So it is official. I no longer live in the United States. I have an apartment in a very cool part of one of the hugest cities in the world. I have a bottle of water in my apartment, and 3 bags of suitcases open on the floor. I have been judged by 12 classes of adorable(mostly) Korean students and have achieved at least a satisfactory status with them at this point. I have been to the doctor to have my blood tested and my eyesight measured, and yet, the feeling that I will wake up somewhere in the vicinity of Longmont, Colorado tomorrow seems to prevail.
 I haven't said yet if I like things so far. Which I do. A lot. The city is so cool. Like really cool. Restaurants and coffee shops and little boutique stores all over. Every building is at least 8 or 9 stories tall, and the high rise apartment building are like mushrooms around here, with trees and greenery everywhere. Most building have a rooftop with gardens and an area to relax. I personally live on the 10th floor in a very well located apartment building. These apartment rooms are called officetels. And yes, many of them are actually offices, not apartments. I am lucky enough to have a McDonalds and a Starbucks within a few yards of where I live. Glad to know I don't have to live without them. (Joking about McDonald's but very unfortunately my Starbucks addiction is no joke -Venti soy chai extra hot no water no foam.) Yep. Sad. But soooo good! 
I am very intimidated by the Korean language. I have never been anywhere that I did not at least have a general knowledge of the language, and it is not easy. I don't know a single word in Korean. I have been trying to remember the word for thank you all day, and at the moment I am coming up with ... nothing. It is a bit difficult to buy things when you don't know the numbers, or find your way around when you don't even know the alphabet. In fact, I even found my self wandering about the streets around my apartment last night quite unable to find it. I thought I found a shortcut, but alas, I took a wrong turn, and wouldn't you know that everything looks the same... Really I am sure I will begin catching onto some of the phrases after I have been here longer days. 
I am very excited about tomorrow night - I am going out on the town with my only friend here. That isn't really true, I did make two friends on the way here - one on the airplane, and one in the immigration line. And of course the teachers at my school are all really nice. Well, starting to fade, jet lag has been practically non-existent, but I am pretty tired. Tomorrow is my first chance to finally pick up some of my clothes that are littered throughout my penthouse suite, woops, studio apartment. Maybe I will even get some food. How fun!!!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Feeling a bit surreal... I feel that way. You were at our wedding on the 28th and like a day and a half later you are in Korea...We cannot imagine what you are feeling. We miss you all ready-Kate and Jason